DUI Laws In Georgia

DUI Laws In Georgia

DUI laws in Georgia are extremely strict. Driving under the influence of drugs, any controlled substance, alcohol, or a combination of these is punishable by law.

DUI convictions can result in heavy fines and even serious jail terms, depending on the severity of the DUI offence. Additionally, these charges also carry administrative penalties such as suspension of driving privileges and other consequences such as increased insurance rates, probation, community service, and attending DUI school classes.

While the first two DUI offences within 10 years are considered misdemeanours in Georgia, the third is a high, aggravated misdemeanour. After a fourth DUI conviction, the driver would be guilty of a serious crime and punished more harshly.

Drivers should understand that DUI crimes are never taken lightly. The punishments for DUI Drugs or Alcohol can be severe, and the lasting consequences can follow you throughout your life if you are convicted of a DUI charge.

Consequences And Penalties Of DUI In Georgia

DUI is a serious offence in Georgia and can have some lasting effects on the convicted. First-time DUI offenders typically face 10 days to up to 12 months in jail and stiff fines between $300 and $1,000, depending on the exact circumstances of the DUI charge.

Typically, an individual will be required to perform 40 hours of community service. Additionally, the first punishment for DUI includes probation, as well as completing a DUI Alcohol or Drug Use Risk Reduction Program.

If it is your second DUI offence, the penalties are high. You will spend 90 days to one year in jail, pay a fine of $600 to $1,000, perform at least 240 hours of community service, face 12 months of probation, and attend DUI School and a substance abuse evaluation. Substances.

DUI penalties in Georgia for the third offence include:

  • 120 days to 12 months in jail.
  • Fines of $1,000 to $5,000.
  • A minimum of 30 days of community service.

These drivers are often declared habitual offenders, which can drastically affect their daily lives. Additionally, according to Section 40-6-391.2 of the Georgia DUI law, a driver who has been declared a habitual offender may be subject to forfeiture of the vehicle to the state.

How Long Is Your License Suspended For Dui In Georgia?

While Georgia criminal courts handle criminal penalties resulting from a DUI, the Georgia Department of Driver Services (DDS) will handle Georgia driver’s license consequences under Implied Consent laws.

Georgia has strict regulations regarding DUI offences, such as driver’s license suspension after a first-time conviction. This applies even if the drunk driving offence occurred out of state.

For a first DUI offence in Georgia, you will face up to 1 year of license suspension. However, you may be eligible for early reinstatement after 120 days if you complete an alcohol and drug risk reduction course. You may also need to install an ignition interlock device in your vehicle. Those who qualify for a limited driving license should note that their movements are restricted and include going to work, the doctor, and attending driver’s education or refresher school.

The second DUI carries up to 3 years of driver’s license suspension. A limited permit cannot be obtained for at least 120 days. Following successful completion of a clinical evaluation and substance abuse treatment program and installation requirements for an ignition interlock device, reinstatement after 18 months may be possible.

After the third DUI, the driver will face a 5-year license suspension period. Limited permits for Georgia licensees are not available for at least 24 months.