DUI By Impairment

Last but not least, we have impairment DUI charges, which relate to the influence of a prescription drug on a person’s driving behaviour or ability.

What components does this law focus on? Firstly, it is significantly related to painkillers, morphine, antidepressants and others, which, when consumed, alter the normal functions of the body.

To be penalized for this type of DUI charge, the substance ingested must impair the person’s ability to operate the vehicle safely, which can endanger their life and the lives of other drivers.

On the other hand, there are some states, such as New York and Colorado, where even possessing a trace concentration of some drugs could result in impairment DUI charges.

What Are The Circumstances Under Which You Could Be Penalized For A Prescription Drug DUI?

In addition to this, and after knowing the information above, you must remember that consuming prescription medications or pharmaceutical products is not enough to obtain a DUI for disability.

Driving under the strong influence of these drugs, to the extent that it can significantly impair your driving efficiency, may result in charges under the law.

The following are circumstances that could lead to prescription drug DUI charges:

  • Your driving reflexes are noticeably affected, and you need proper vehicle timing.
  • Exceeds the speed allowed in the area and must properly perform the vehicle’s functions.
  • It seems somewhat lost and unstable.

These are the most common situations in which your car could be stopped, and authorities could proceed to determine DUI charges.

Therefore, if you use any of the above substances before driving and find yourself in any of these situations, you will most likely receive a DUI charge. It is vital to learn to defend yourself against them.

Are All Charges The Same For These Situations?

When it comes to fighting a prescription drug DUI charge, it is important to take this factor into account to know what steps to take to win the case.

You should know that each of these cases is evaluated differently, and various risk factors are evaluated because drugs have other effects on the body.

Some medications can even affect concentration, motor skills, alertness, and even your reasoning ability, which is even worse than being arrested under the influence of alcohol in the eyes of the law.

Therefore, you must evaluate whether your situation has endangered your life or the lives of others. Only then will you know how far you should fight a prescription drug DUI charge.

Secondly, the level of influence or concentration of substances in your blood and body is also very relevant when charges are imposed and the strategy to combat them.

What To Do If You Are Charged With Prescription Drug DUI In The United States?

First, if you are arrested or detained on prescription drug DUI charges, you should contact a DUI attorney to help you with the process ahead.

It is recommended that you follow this step to defend yourself correctly and avoid receiving severe sentences or fines because, in these cases, many factors must be considered.

Every element, from the circumstances under which you were stopped to the results of the chemical and intoxication tests, is valid to discredit the accusations made by the arresting officer.

But you can’t do this alone. You should contact a DUI law specialist (a criminal defence attorney) to be your primary support in the process.